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Shannon Lush is an Australian publishing sensation and radio star. She is the author of best-selling books Spotless, Speed Cleaning and How to Be Comfy (over one million sold in Australia alone).
Below is the list on Shannon Lush's all-important eco-friendly Cleaning Kit. Learn the value of non-toxic must-haves like bicarb soda, white vinegar, unprocessed bran and tea tree oil.
1. Bicarb Soda – an alkaline and mild abrasive. Also a natural cleaning agent. When mixed with white vinegar cleans hard surfaces very efficiently.

2. White Vinegar – a mild acid. When mixed with bi-carb soda a chemical reaction occurs.

3. Methylated Spirits – an alcohol solvent, which removes pen marks

4. Lavender Oil – when mixed with water it becomes a mild cleaner and deoderiser – good for finger marks on walls and general light cleaning. Also an effective air freshener and personal insect repellent. Mix 1 teaspoon per litre of water

5. Lemon Oil – extracted from the peel of the lemon, very good at keeping spiders and other insects at bay and also for stain removal

6. Tea Tree Oil – an oil extracted from the tea tree bush. It’s used as an anti-bacterial. Also good at getting sticky marks/labels off jars etc.

7. Oil of Cloves - cold pressed oil from the dried flower bud of the clove tree. A useful mould inhibitor and insecticide. To lift mould from shoes add a quarter of a teaspoon of oil of cloves to 500ml bottle of Baby Oil. Daub onto leather with pantyhose and wipe mould away.

8. Unprocessed Wheat Bran – a light abrasive and absorbent, when mixed with white vinegar and placed in a pair of pantyhose makes an effective cleaner for soft toys, dusty lamps, sisal flooring and more

9. Tea – Contains tannic acid which cleans timber. Make up a teapot with 4 or 5 tea bags and pour into a bucket of boiling water. Mop the timber with pantyhose dipped in the tea.

10. Pantyhose – Mildly abrasive fibres become more abrasive as they get wet – this won’t damage surfaces but cuts through grease and grime. To make a pantyhose mitten just wrap the hose around your fingers and fold the open end over your finger tips to form a glove - this can then be washed and re-used. This is a very good dust lifter when used with lavender oil and water.
These items can be found in supermarkets and pharmacists. Naturopath stores like The Body shop carry the Tea tree oil and the other oils can be bought from local essential oil suppliers such as Hotels and Spa Essentials (; tel nos. 8382167 8382170).
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