from: http://freshome.com
In most homes, space is the highest commodity and what better way to gain space than to remove your doors? While removing your doors may seem drastic, instead of totally removing your doors, how about removing the door swing that takes up space to open and close your doors? Johnson Hardware has invented home interior door hardware that acts like a barn door to slide across your opening, instead of using a swing and hinge hardware set. Take a look at how wall mounted hardware can save space in your home and provide you with a room that is more functional and spacious.

How the hardware works: Not to be confused with pocket doors, which slide into a wall, the Series 200 Wall Mount and the 2610F hardware have track-and-roller systems that attach directly to the wall, resulting in quick installations and easy operation. This is an ideal solution for walls constructed of brick or concrete block, for wood-framed walls that contain pipes or wiring that would make it difficult and costly to install traditional pocket doors or for the Do It Yourselfer looking to make a big change with minimal effort.
How the hardware saves valuable space: Unlike a standard hinged door that requires 10 to 14 square feet of floor space to swing open, a door mounted with the Series 200WM or 2610F hardware takes up little more space than the thickness of the door. And because the door slides open, a table, chair, desk or other furniture pieces can be placed beside the doorway without interfering with the door’s operation.
From: http://www.trendhunter.com
Ergon Rototranslating Doors Are Space-saving and Chic
A fabulous futuristic-looking mix of form and function, these chic, ultra-modern Ergon rototranslating doors by Venetian Celegon are an ideal space-saving solution for small homes where space is a premium.
The Venetial Celegon two-way doors permit rotatory and translatory motion at once. Their revolution around a central axis saves about 50% space, as it doesn’t waste the space that a conventional door does as it opens.

from: http://www.trendir.com
Keratuer ExclusiveLine doors are fabulous contemporary entry doors that offer modern security in sleek style. Featuring a strong horizontal element, the 3010 ExclusiveLinemodern entry door uses an innovative framing design that allows edge-to-edge panels of flush glass. The alternation of glass and wood panels allows brilliant light to enter the room while still providing a sense of privacy. The long horizontal handle has a rotating panel that conceals both a special profile cylinder lock and a fantastic fingerprint module. These doors finally bring leading edge technology home in contemporary style. Created by Keratuer, the 3010 ExclusiveLine doors bring sophisticated security to the modern entry door.

4. THE 3-IN-1 DOOR (perfect for all ages and sizes!)
from: http://dornob.com
When is a door not a door? When it is three doors (all ajar!) of course. We pass through entrances and exits all the time, but aside from differences in transparency, style and material there is little variation from one entry door to the next exit portal when it comes to the basic shape, scale or function.

ThreeStyle adds a humble but critical twist to the typical contemporary door – nothing too off-the-wall in terms of its aesthetic, but novel in its approach on a more fundamental level. Simple metal handles sit on wood-paneled frames which, in turn, stack neatly within one another like nesting dolls or something out of Alice’s Wonderland. While it is not their only offering, SlamDoors Ltd.‘s line of modular doors is led by this innovative new approach to a design object as old as the idea of dwelling itself.
from: http://www.toxel.com
Magnetic chalkboard doors are prefect for families on the go. Children can create original works of art directly on the door itself and parents will like it as a place to post grocery and to-do lists.